Listen as we continue our Philippians series. Also, be sure to check out our online resources.

Listen as we continue our Philippians series. Also, be sure to check out our online resources.

Listen as we continue our Philippians series. Also, be sure to check out our online resources.

Listen as we continue our Philippians series. Also, be sure to check out our online resources.

Listen as we continue our Philippians series. Also, be sure to check out our online resources.

Listen as we continue our Philippians series. Also, be sure to check out our online resources.

Listen as we continue our study through the book of Philippians. Also, be sure to check out the additional resources we have provided online.

Listen as we begin our new series on Philippians.

The Church Needs You

Do you ever find yourself wondering where you fit in this world? How about where you fit in your family, workplace, or friend group? Do you ever feel like you aren’t that valuable or you could easily be replaced? When it comes to church, do you feel like just another face in the crowd? Sometimes the answers to these questions can lead us into disappointment or discouragement. What if the answers could lead you into joy, confidence and fulfillment?

You Need the Church

Have you ever had someone try to sell you something you knew you could get somewhere else for less money? Ever had someone want you to go to a class or buy a membership when you knew you could get the same benefit at home or watching a video? Have you ever felt that same way about church? You know what church provides, but what if you can get what it provides without having to go or commit to church? This week we continued our series, WHY CHURCH? We talked about this very issue and learned that church provides what you can’t get any place else. Sound like another sales pitch? Come and listen for yourself.

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