All In: Finding Joy

If you look back on the last four weeks of your life, would you say that time was characterized by joy? What about the last six months? A year? At the deepest level of our souls is a yearning for true, lasting, constant joy. However, often joy only comes in seasons and is based on specific circumstances. Listen as we examine the life of Paul to see how to find true joy in all seasons of life.

All In: Identity

Moses: Who Am I? What are the priorities that control the choices we make? How can we be sure those priorities will produce the outcomes we desire? This Sunday, we will continue our ALL IN series by looking at the choices Moses faced, and the priorities that governed those choices. From his example, we will be able to examine our own priorities and the outcomes they will produce.

All In: Confidence

Complaining . . . we all do it. Some more than others, but we all grumble and complain about how hot it is, the price of gas, health insurance, our kids, the cost of groceries, our parents, how cold it is, politics, people, traffic, our spouse, aches and pains, our job, etc., etc., etc. We tend to excuse our complaining because “everybody does it” or justify it because we simply believe we have the right to complain. It is important that we understand that a complaining spirit is a refusal to acknowledge God’s involvement in our lives and indicates that something is not right in our relationship with Him. Listen as we examine the life of an individual who was so ALL IN with God that he never complained! You can also click here for the discussion group questions on today’s sermon.

ALL IN … good enough isn’t good enough! We began our summer schedule with the introduction of our new message series, ALL IN . . . good enough isn’t good enough!

Changed People: James

Changed Prayer

Changed Community

Changed Church
